

Warm greetings! I'm Pavithra Battula, a passionate medical student from India. Welcome to my blog, where I share captivating real-life cases that have not only deepened my understanding of history taking and clinical examination but also enhanced my patient interaction skills and overall patient care approach. These cases have been invaluable in shaping my medical journey, and I'm excited to share them with you. The experiences of a medical student during college are heavily shaped by their inquisitiveness and often times teacher and peer pressure, as we pass through the treacherous waters of medical education in our rickety boats we come learn that doctors have many more obstacles in the form of beuracracy , testing targets etc. Apart from diagnosing and treating patients , All of these experiences have crafted a curiosty in me to explore the wider healthcare delivery system and various forms it is available in the world ranging from universal healthcare in the EU  to private

45 yrs old female with paraparesis since 15 days

C/O Generalized weakness of lower limbs since 10 years Difficulty in swallowing since 15 days  HOPI: Pt was apparently asymptomatic till 1999  then she delivered a baby(by c-section due to cord entanglement)  she also stated that she started  developed Generalized weakness ( due to low haemoglobin levels ) not associated with pain and was able to perform her daily activities Her husband also left as she couldn't perform her daily activities.Her son currently stays in the hostel   She previously used to work as mandal officer. And in 2012 she stopped going to work because she started developing weakness  insidious in onset , gradually progressive , associated with pain , Aggrevated with walking and relieved with rest. she could not walk for long distances and she managed to  to perform  daily activities In 2023 Jan she alleged had h/o slippage in bathroom following which she was normal for 5 days  Next day she couldn't get up from bed which is sudden in onset and non progressive